Chevron DownOverview



new DeckAdapter({animationManager, glContext});


animationManager (AnimationManager, Optional)

See AnimationManager for more information.

glContext (WebGlContext, Optional)


getProps({deck, onNextFrame, extraProps}): props

Supplies properties from


  • deck (Deck) - deck object from

  • onNextFrame ((nextTimeMs: number) => void, Optional) - Callback indicating the next frame in a rendering should be displayed.

  • extraProps (DeckGlProps, Optional) - Apply extra props to deckgl. Note: Hubble will override props as needed.

render({Encoder, formatConfigs, filename, timecode, onStopped, onSave, onComplete})

Start rendering.


  • Encoder (typeof FrameEncoder, Optional) - Default: PreviewEncoder.

Provide a FrameEncoder class for capturing deck canvas. See Encoders Overview for options.

  • formatConfigs (Object, Optional) - Default: {}.

See FrameEncoder for internal defaults.

  • timecode ({start: number, end: number, framerate: number})

The start and end time in milliseconds to render, as well as a framerate.

  • filename (string, Optional) - Default: UUID.

The video filename.

  • onStopped (() => void, Optional) - Default: undefined.

Called when recording has stopped, and before saving is complete. This does not get called when a render is interrupted with stop().

  • onSave ((blob: Blob) => void, Optional) - Default: undefined.

Override the save function. By default a file will be downloaded using the given filename, and encoder's extension. This does not get called when a render is interrupted with stop().

You may also access the download function with

  • onComplete (() => void, Optional) - Default: undefined.

Called when rendering and saving is finished. This does not get called when a render is interrupted with stop().

stop({onStopped, onSave, onComplete}})

Interrupt rendering and saves partial result. This is useful for handling user interruptions.


  • onStopped (() => void, Optional) - Default: undefined.

Called when recording has stopped, and before saving is complete.

  • onSave ((blob: Blob) => void, Optional) - Default: undefined.

Override the save function. By default a file will be downloaded using the given filename, and encoder's extension.

You may also access the download function with

  • onComplete (() => void, Optional) - Default: undefined.

Called when rendering and saving is finished.


Move time to set a new position. Useful for peeking at different times in an animation without rendering.


  • timeMs (number)
onAfterRender(proceedToNextFrame, readyToCapture)

Call this every time a render/draw cycle has completed. This will trigger a frame capture once all flags are true, and the callback proceedToNextFrame when the next frame should be drawn.

readyToCaptureWait for external loading or interaction to complete.
isRecordingInternal. Only capture when recording frames.
areAllLayersLoadedInternal. Wait for all async layers (e.g. tiles) to be loaded.
isNotCapturingInternal. Don't capture while already encoding a frame.


  • proceedToNextFrame ((nextTimeMs: number) => void) - Callback when next frame should draw.

  • readyToCapture (boolean, Optional) - Default: true. - Delay capturing for any reason (e.g. async operations). Note: The application must call onAfterRender after readyToCapture is true, or else the render will not progress to the next frame.

