Chevron DownOverview

Rendering Tips

Hubble offers the following options to render your visualizations:

  • GIF
  • WebM video
  • PNG sequence
  • JPEG sequence

If you would like to use the exports in a presentation we recommend the following steps:


Usable as is. Feel free to add it to your presentation, notebook, or showcase!

Convert WebM

There are plenty of free converters out there. The ones written in this guide will be based off of:

Step 1: Pick your WebM file

Convertio Step 1

Step 2: Click the "..." option to open up a menu

Step 3: Select the filetype that you want. We recommend GIF/MP4 for use in your presentations

Step 4: Click Convert

Convertio Step 2, 3, & 4

Convert JPEG sequence to GIF

There are plenty of free converters out there. The ones written in this guide will be based off of:

Step 1: Untar the file. On Windows a tool like 7-Zip can be used

Step 2: Click on Upload Images

GIFMaker Step 2

Step 3: Select all the images in the folder that was created

Step 4: Open all the images

GIFMaker Step 3 & 4

Step 4a: A preview will be generated at the top. Settings such as order and pacing can be adjusted if anything looks wrong

Step 5: Click on "Create GIF Animation"

GIFMaker Step 4a & 5

Step 6: Click on "Download the GIF"

GIFMaker Step 6

Convert PNG sequence to GIF

See "Convert JPEG sequence to GIF" section.